About TAT:Do you want to be super confident?Do you want to feel absolutely happy?Do you want to have high self esteem?Do you want to be completely free of your negative past?Do you want to get rid of any allergy, what so ever?And would you want to achieve all this and EVEN MORE in a very comfortable, extremely effective, super easy, and foolproof way and it will only take you a few minutes for each treatment?If you answered any of these questions with yes, or maybe, READ ON.Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is a new healing technique based on Chinese Medicine. It can help you with anything: If you want to treat a trauma or bad experience you were involved in at any time of your life or if it is the eradicating of fears and phobias at their source, TAT will solve your problem!Everything that holds us back like; LSE, little self-confidence, unhappiness, etc was created by several small and big traumatic experiences in our past which also keep us from achieving what we want and deserve in life.LUCKILY, there is TAT! TAT can free us in minutes, sometimes even seconds, and it is so easy and comfortable.And even if we have techniques like EFT and BSFF, which work greatly, they not always seem to address the cause of the problem effectively. TAT, I know from my own experience, is an excellent technique that is even easier and more effective than EFT and BSFF in this area.About the product:In this DVD, Tapas Fleming teaches how to use TAT to end allergic reactions and release traumatic stress. The new TAT allergy protocol shown here can successfully treat EI (Environmental Illness), MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities), and Chronic Fatigue symptoms. You’ll also learn the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine as it relates to traumatic stress and allergies and hear informative and sometimes moving testimonials. One very striking trauma demonstration deals with a woman who experienced back spasms for years after a particularly disturbing event. Healing Traumas and Allergies will allow you (and your clients) to enjoy increased freedom and energy.Donators – immediatlyVIP/Elite – 10 daysPowerUser – 14 daysUser – 21 days
Tapas Fleming – TAT – Healing Traumas and Allergies
[1 DVD – Rip]
Category: Everything Else
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