Stephen Covey’s famous 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been teaching people and organizations how to be more effective since 1989. But how do Covey’s principles translate for real people living their lives? Living the 7 Habits presents more than 70 little stories of people as they meet challenges and practice the seven habits. Some are ordinary slices of life; others are pivotal moments or life changes. A 76-year-old man who had overdrawn his wife’s “emotional bank account” starts making deposits of chores, favors, and special dates until love is rekindled. A woman changes her life after her husband dies of cancer. Children teach parents empathic listening. A banker-turned-minister, cleaning his gun as his pregnant wife naps on the couch, accidentally discharges it, killing his wife and the unborn child, and learns to recover from grief and guilt. Parents learn to hear their teenagers’ anxieties with respect and understanding. A clinical-psychology researcher, moved by statistics that one-third of foster kids never return to their birth parents or get adopted, creates a village for former “unadoptable” children, their new parents, and volunteer “grandparents.” The stories are organized thematically into individual, family, community, education, and workplace–with commentary from Covey following each story. If you practice the seven habits and seek inspiration and a feeling of community, this book will help you find both.
Stephen R. Covey – Living the Seven Habits
living the seven habits
[90 Minutes – MP3]
Category: Everything Else
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