elib.tech EXCLUSIVE. I actually bought this so don’t leak it.This product is from: http://www.seductionscience.com/This product includes 3 eBooks titled Seduction Science, Volumes 1-3, another one on using palm reading to pick up and a short bonus book suggesting a bunch of pick-up lines to use in different situations.An excellent review of this series, by TokyoPUA, can be found here (although he was reviewing the 1st edition and this is the 2nd edition): http://www.fastseduction.com/reviews/seductionscience.shtml
Derek Vitalio (Seduction Science) – Seduction Science System (2nd Edition)
Derek Vitalio (Seduction Science) – Seduction Science System (2nd Edition) [5 eBooks – PDF]
[5 eBooks – PDF]
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