via Sportkraft:Lets face it, squats are the key to leg strength and the key to overall body strength. Basically every strength champion does squats and this book will give you the edge in cranking up your squat poundage.Squats are maybe the most misunderstood of all weight training exercises. Why? Because almost no one really knows how to do them and there are more old wives tales hanging around about this exercise than there are bad fishing stories. Those are couple of the reasons why Bud wrote this manual. He wants you to be able to know for sure that youre doing it right when you squat. He wants to put it out to you in simple, clear language so that even the beginner or the most advanced athletes can learn from this book. He wants to smash a couple of those old wives tales so that when you read and understand this book you wont be afraid to do the squat. You wont bother to listen to any of those sissies who tell you its bad for your knees and your back and youll have the reigns of your own strength training destiny in hand.The practical knowledge of this exercise (The Squat) is maybe the biggest key difference between the successful strength champion and the girly spandex wearer who couldnt lift his way out of a wet paper bag. If youre serious about strength and development then you must have this book, but if youre not, dont bother to buy it. Why? Because Bud is not going to sugar coat it for you. He is going to tell you the truth. The simple, plain, back-breaking, steel-bending, blood-curdling truth. He wants you to know that building your knowledge and your mind is what starts to build your body. He wants you to be fired up to do this exercise justice. He is not going to tell you that you can sit around and drink some magic blender potion and not get out and bust your butt and get big. Because lets face it, anybody who tells you that is lying.Bud is going to give you the tools to build freakish size and strength and were going to do it the old way. The way it was before political correctness clouded the field of strength training. Before badly built machines and hand-holding personal trainers got in the way. How does he know? Because thats how he grew up in the strength training world. Bud has spent the time and effort to test and study and learn what really works. Here are some of the things that youll learn in this book: * How Bud pushed his squat up from 225 to 900 – The Whole Story * Some of his personal history and some of the crazy things that have happened in his life and why its a miracle for him to be walking much less squatting 900 pounds. * Why you cant seperate the physical completely from the mental and spiritual. * Buds first three major routines and the progress he made on them. * Real squat technique – in detail with pictures and descriptions. * How deep you should go and why. * The differences and applications of squat styles. * Bar placement, foot placement, hand placement. * Aligning your joints and how to drop into a squat to correctly activate the muscles and to stabilize the knees. * Tricks to mark your depth, keep position and keep your head up and drive the bar up correctly. * Discussion about what to and not to wear when you squat. Everything from shoes, to clothes, belts and wraps, etc.And thats not all…Here are a few more of the things that youll learn: * Serious discussion of volume, frequency, intensity and sets and reps. * How to use the squat to gain strength, size, speed or endurance. * How to recognize and correct common form errors and weaknesses. * How to build and mental and physical routine to set your mental and physical nerve patterns. * Why Bud train the way he does. * Over 40 different variations of the squat and its assistance exercises * About progression and its different styles. * How to use real world productive assistance exercises, not the usual junk. * How to use odd objects for squats. * How to use strongman training for squats. * How to use consistancy with variation.It wont be limited just to squats. There will be routines, descriptions and pictures on how Bud walked with 1,000 pounds on my shoulders and how he pulled a bus and how he trained for it. There are ten different routines that build on each other and pictures of my 900lb squat, 1500lb 1/4 squat and 1,050lb one-shoulder squat. 500lb Zercher squat, 500lb goodmorning and a variation of the single leg squat done with 500lbs that he is almost positive no one else has ever seen. Thats not all, its just all the space we have to list.
Bud Jeffries – How to Squat 900 Pounds
Bud Jeffries – How to Squat 900 Pounds
Category: Health / Fitness / Massage
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